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Striving for  Sustainable  Livelihoods 



 DISHA , is a not-for-profit,


 organization committed for the   empowerment of the disadvantaged in   the society.


 DISHA, firmly believes that, every   individual is responsible for his/her   own destiny and therefore shall strive   for attaining good quality of life. 

 DISHA, since its inception , has been   making every efforts to build the   capacities of the poor and   disadvantaged through development   education, training and livelihood   enhancement programmes.

 DISHA, uses a participatory   development approach wherein every   stakeholder is free and independent to   make choices  and decisions for his/her   own empowerment. 


 The journey has begun and   continues.............





Saving our precious natural resources for us and for our future generations.......

DISHA was awarded with Karnataka Environment Award in 2013

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